Friday, January 8, 2010

The American Revolution

I am on the second night of a who-knows-how-long (and who cares) miniseries on the days of the American Revolution which follows, in particular John and Abigail Adams through the days of the foundling congress and onward. It is an HBO production and I am rather impressed with it. For those of you who are already interested, it is simply named "John Adams." Paul Giamatti is a very capable and articulate Adams and Laura Linney is his equally articulate and wife and counterpart, Abigail. Well worth a watch--especially if you would like to see the beginnings of the Revolution through those who lived through it.

I am personally recommending this--especially to those who home school their children--and even if you don't. Remember where you came from. You are here and free because of the good thought and yes, even prayers, of men such of these. It wasn't easy. There was debate. There was argument. There were misgivings and humility. Fears... It was war on all levels from politics to muskets.

And by no simple accomplishment, no simple task, a people at a disadvantage WON!

And we are left to preserve what they have won for us, and so many after us have preserved for us, at so great a price.

Be Grateful!

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